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Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply
添加时间:2018-08-16 16:50:16

Riding in summer is much more important than other seasons because it's easier to get tired in summer. In the face of high temperature cycling, how to replenishment? Xiaobian!

Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply

1. On a hot day, the first thing to do after getting up in the morning is to drink 300 to 500 ml of water. If it is convenient to get lemons, add lemon juice to the water to wake up your metabolism and replenish the water lost at night. In addition, vitamin C in lemonade can prevent colds.

Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply

2. The ideal time for water replenishment is 1 to 2 hours before riding, 300 to 500 ml, which is extremely important in hot weather. But in cold weather, avoid drinking a lot of fluids in the morning before riding, because in such weather, your body will be too much water and reduce the amount of blood supply, so you need to run the toilet so that excrete excess water.

Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply

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3. get water from electrolyzed drinks. Because the pure dependence on boiled water can not replenish electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, resulting in a substantial reduction in sports performance, so the use of strong electrolytic drinks in winter is more appropriate. Conversely, lower concentrations of electrolytic drinks should be used in the summer, as the amount of water required increases in hot weather. In addition, electrolytic drinks with grapefruit juice can also be considered for long-distance, low-intensity training rides, and energy glue can be used for races over two hours because of the high carbohydrate requirements of the race.

Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply

4. During the ride, you should replenish the water before you feel thirsty and take a sip of the supplementary drink at any time in the hot weather. The ideal drinking frequency is 1.25 to 1.5 litres per hour. But everyone is in a different state of health, so maybe this amount of water is not enough in hot weather. Therefore, in hot weather, more water is added before riding to reduce the risk of excessive moisture loss.

Thirst for body - summer drinking water supply

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5. when riding home, you should replenish the water immediately. Do not save water here! You need protein, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water to prepare your body for the next day's work and the next training. A simple drink is not enough. More importantly, the whole day after returning home must also pay attention to the replenishment of water.

Finally, because everyone's physique is different, you can also try different supplements, taste to find the most suitable way to replenish their own. Remember, if you feel dizzy, weak, and headache while riding, stop immediately and look for shade and medical assistance. Dehydration can cause great damage to athletes on hot days, even death.

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