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Before the Tanabata, ride the route around Beijing.
添加时间:2018-08-16 16:51:15

Before the Tanabata, ride the route around Beijing.

Although the fattest friends who love the emperor's capital, riding a bicycle is an artificial air cleaner, but life lies in sports ah, riding such a beautiful thing, as long as the air is not bad, or can continue to drip.

A Lun still wants to push his friends by the seventh night of the Seventh Festival, which is the most suitable route for riding around Beijing.

Before the Tanabata, ride the route around Beijing.

1. Miaofeng Mountain

Miaofeng Mountain line can be said to be one of the most classical routes around Beijing. The most typical feature is the 20KM uphill section, which is a big challenge for bike enthusiasts. If you can stick to the ride and brush it regularly, I believe that physical fitness will be greatly improved soon.

The riding route is very similar, but basically it is the same way. It usually takes nearly 8 hours to return.

Miaofeng Mountain is not a large number of people, but also near the city of Beijing, the accident rate is relatively low, is a good choice for cycling holidays.

Before the Tanabata, ride the route around Beijing.

2. Bai Yang Gou line

The traffic to Baiyanggou is not very convenient, but the scenery is good, there are mountains and rivers and waterfalls, so if you ride here, it is really painful and happy.

Starting from Madian Bridge, it is only more than 50 kilometers to Baiyanggou. It is suitable for cycling all year round. The mountains, rivers, flowers, birds and fish can not be seen clearly. After entering the Aries ditch, there are 12 kilometers of continuous gentle slope, is also a test of people, cycling should not be too outfitted, should be a reasonable allocation of physical strength.

There is a famous six Lian bend in the white sheep ditch, but the reason is relatively smooth, but it is also a little exciting.

The length of the Baiyanggou Canyon is 12 kilometers, the slope is not big, it is better to ride, but also a variety of streams, flowers and birds, can embrace nature.

If you think the road is too far, you can take a bus to Nankou Town and start riding again. There are many vehicles on the road, so you must pay attention to safety.

Before the Tanabata, ride the route around Beijing.

3. Ming Dynasty Tombs

It's 40 kilometers away from the downtown area of Beijing. Along the way, it can also pass through all kinds of Senli parks. It's not far from the downtown area. There are mountains and rivers. The scenery is also beautiful. It can also go to the Ming Tombs. The road is also good. It's very suitable for cycling. It's called the golden route.

If we want to go to Ming Dynasty Tombs, we can bypass Ming Dynasty Tombs reservoir for a week and ride around Ming Dynasty Tombs. There are strawberry orchards in the scenic area, but also roast fish to eat, of course, Qixi without a girlfriend, with a few good friends to ride together is also good.

These are all suburban leisure routes closer to the urban area of Beijing, which are suitable for the same day. How do you like it? Isn't it great? Don't be lazy at Tanabata.

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