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Enduro:Cane Creek HELM Air
添加时间:2018-08-16 16:53:02

If you try bicycling to work, decide to ride to the office as a winner. So now you ride back and forth several times a week. You save money, reduce the impact on the environment, and feel the healthiest for many years.

We will take a risk of diagnosis: do you have an unbearable bicycle syndrome? It's bad temperament to see someone driving or whistling, and resentment when someone asks you why you ride a bicycle to work. If so, pay attention to social life.

Because you probably have an unbearable bicycle syndrome. We have five rules for those who want to keep his friends and family on their unbearable commuter bikes.

How to endure unbearable cyclist syndrome

The best bicycle evangelism is healthy and productive. There is no need to make a colleague feel indelible about what their SUV commuting does to the environment. They know. Evangelism by example: People around the office will notice your energy, have a good attitude - and narrow the middle. You will soon be asked your secret.

No bicycle can block the corridor or enter the office workspace. For cyclists, this is hard to accept. Our mounts are beautiful. If you take them indoors, they need to be unhindered. Your colleagues won't like to brush greasy chains, and Marshal Fire may take a dim view of blocked exits and passages.

How to endure unbearable cyclist syndrome

On time. One of the advantages of cycling to work is commuting time is actually more predictable than driving. You are less likely to be affected by traffic jams and deceleration. But there are also things that need time: protecting bicycles, cooling and changing clothes to work. Leave early to adapt to all these things. Shortening bicycle time to work hours can make your colleagues unhappy and quickly make you - and cycling - unpopular.

Lost helmet in the room. Yes, we think the smooth new lid is also cool. Unfortunately, most people think riding clothes is a bit strange. Once you get to the office, wear street clothes as soon as possible and keep the bike geek fashion for the weekend riding team. Unless you just like people who stare at your Lycra butt.

How to endure unbearable cyclist syndrome

Riding lawfully and predictably. Nothing is more intolerable than a cyclist driving a red light, driving inconsistently and usually sneering at them with his thumb. It's not just bad bicycle PR - it's dangerous. Do not be responsible for cycling frustrations for the next rider's anecdote. Be quick, smooth and legal. In short, he became an excellent bicycle ambassador. Every now and then we show signs of unbearable bicycle syndrome. But cycling is about balance - the two wheel, and our relationship with others. Have fun! We will see you on the road.

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Melbourne, Victoria 3000