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Is it more important to recover?
添加时间:2018-08-16 16:56:11

Most children born in plains are climbing up their slopes. In Shanghai, for example, there are a group of flat-road riders, like Caleb Ewan, who compete with the strong men in flat-road races, and can only be scorched by local climbers. There are many lessons to be learned about climbing. Today, let's take a look at how Dr. Jon Baker, the Dako team's climbing specialist, talks about climbing training.

Riding class, Dakota team training experts on climbing training

What kind of training do climbing riders usually do?

In the Tour de France, climbers need to win in the alpine section, but only if they survive at least in the flat-road sprint section, because the alpine section of the Tour always starts after a number of flat-road sections, and if they have been dumped for a long time in the previous sections, that's only to be said. The game is over. Therefore, the training of the climbing riders is very comprehensive, and the difference is that they will carry out special training on the climbing ability.

So, the climbing rider's training is climbing.

Yes, if you want to climb the slope, you can climb more. But if you want to compete for the Tour de France championship, then you must also pay attention to your individual timing ability, which is also an important part of the championship.

Sky teams always lead the race at the highest possible speed and try to blow up their opponents, while Astana tends to attack. Therefore, in response to the tactics of different teams, climbers need to pay attention to their 20-40 minute peak average power and average power-weight ratio, in order to survive in the ever-changing pace of the race.

Riding class, Dakota team training experts on climbing training

What kind of tactics does Dakota team play?

So far, we are more inclined to break through and break through. Serge Pauwels, for example, likes to break through high mountains and sometimes succeeds in breaking through. Steve Cumming, on the other hand, prefers tactical tactics, choosing the course of the race to work on the stage that suits his ability.

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