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Tour champion Grant Thomas is expected to move to CCC.
添加时间:2018-08-16 16:57:52

According to the CCC team manager, they extended an olive branch to the 2018 Tour de France champion Geraint Thomas and offered him a new season contract.

Thomas, whose contract with Sky is about to expire this season, also said he is facing the biggest decision of his career - to renew Sky's contract with Christ Froome, who will continue to "share" the position of chief coach, choosing to transfer him to become the only chief coach in another team.

After merging with the BMC team, CCC expects Thomas to accept their offer to join the team. In classical competition, Greg Vanavemat has been confirmed to continue to lead. The CCC team intends to become Poland's first World Tour fleet in 2019.

Tour champion Grant Thomas is expected to move to CCC.

Sky racing team is not easy to release people, and is also negotiating with Thomas's brokerage firm. "That's the value of a contract - it certainly won't be low, and besides that, people are willing to pay for good people, so are we." Sky team manager Dave Brailsford said in an interview after the Tour.

CCC team sports director Piotr Wadecki also confirmed the team's move. "It's true that we spoke with his manager and really offered Thomas a contract. We knew his contract was coming to an end."

"We have Van Avemat in the classic, but we want Thomas to be our regular for many days, so why not throw an olive branch at him? We are still waiting for the result. It would be great if that happened, and we would look for two or three assistants to assist him in a couple of days.

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