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2018 how much is the driver's bonus?
添加时间:2018-08-16 17:01:09

The Tour de France in 2018 ended on July 29, and the result has been finalized, so you know after 23 days, 21 stops, I believe many people will want to know, how much money did the players make?

Eight minutes to review this year's Tour de France.

Video source Tour de France official

The total bonus for this year's Tour de France is about 2,287,750 (1 Euro = 7.9646 yuan), equivalent to 18,221,013 yuan, with more than 18 million yuan.

First of all, of course, Thomas got 500,000 in the Yellow shirt, second in total Tom Dumoulin won 200,000, third in third place Chris Froome won 100,000, actually from first to 160 prizes, but only 1,000 from 20th to 160th, that is hard work. Riding fast for a month, actually only 7964 RMB.

2018 how much is the driver's bonus?

The yellow shirt with the total score is 500000, second euros 200000 and third Euro 100000.

Peter Sagan and Julian Alaphilippe won the Scores and Mountaineering Kings, each with a prize of 25,000, while the newcomer, Wang Bai, had a prize of 20,000, and the team champion had a prize of 50,000. If you wear a variety of neckties and jerseys during the race, you also have a prize. Yellow shirt wears 500,000 a day. Polo shirts, green shirts and blouses are 300 euro a day.

2018 how much is the driver's bonus?

The yellow shirt is 500 yuan per day.

There are prizes at each stop, with the top three getting 11,000, 5,500 and 2,800 respectively, and the fourth to twenty getting 300. There are also prizes for particularly aggressive competitors, with 2,000 for each competitor, and 20,000 for the super-aggressive.

2018 how much is the driver's bonus?

Every station also has a bonus. The top three are Euro 11000, Euro 5500 and euro 2800 respectively.

In addition to every race segment of the time trial, the track segments usually include sprint points and ramp points at all levels. The drivers who took the lead in passing the sprint were awarded a dividend of 1,500 euros for the first, 1,000 euros for the second and 500 euros for the third.

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