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The cyclist is really afraid of the little donkey.
添加时间:2018-08-16 17:01:40

According to the traffic law, bicycles can be driven on motorized lanes in cities without non-motorized lanes. So we can often see the scene: wanton bicycles often frighten the driver out of a cold sweat, rubbing a speeding car also often frighten the cyclist out of a cold sweat.

There's also the problem of car occupancy: 100% of riders in the Blackbird Bicycle Survey said they had seen cars occupying bicycle lanes.

The cyclist is really afraid of the little donkey.

In addition, it is said that Dalian is a city without non-motorized lanes, as the younger sister said below, have Dalian motorists to confirm it?

Most commuters who ride a bicycle should have seen the reverse or left-to-right protrusion of an electric bicycle and the arbitrary interpenetration of it. Even if the bicycle is slowly riding, it will not be worth a retrograde donkey bumping into your front wheels.

According to data shared by Tencent. com, electric vehicles accounted for more than 80% of non-motor vehicle accidents in 2013. It is no wonder that some local governments are eager to ban electric vehicles. But will it be useless to put an end to it? It is not known yet.

The pedestrians on the roads most need to watch out for pedestrians. The city's non-motorized lanes are often set alongside the sidewalks, better separated by railings, road teeth, or pavement trees, but there are many places where this is the case: lack of "physical isolation" allows pedestrians to walk freely on non-motorized lanes, bicycles can also drive on the sidewalk, think of fast bicycles, follow A pet dog or child that may collide may cause an accident in minutes.

What happens if bicycles accidentally hit pedestrians? In the system of road rights, pedestrians, as flesh and blood, are relatively vulnerable. Even if a pedestrian bumps into a person on a non-motorized lane, the bicycle owner has to bear the main responsibility.

The cyclist is really afraid of the little donkey.

Many people attributed the lack of bicycle lanes, illegal car occupying and so on to urban road planning. Imagine this is the case, many cities cancel the non-segregation zone, is the acquiescence of motor vehicles in road congestion can temporarily occupy the non-motor Lane traffic.

Only "temporary" often evolves into "routine". In the final analysis, it is a matter of consciousness rather than form. The number of greenways and bicycle lanes is actually increasing. Surveys show that more than 90% of netizens say they live in a city with greenways. But if there is no basic road safety concept, there are no more greenways.

Noise is meaningless, and all kinds of transportation should not be opposed. When one day, pedestrians, motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles can go their own ways and coexist harmoniously, the small electric donkey will no longer run rampant, bicycles do not have to worry about the lane interruption at any time or run a red light, the car will not open the door randomly and occupy the road. We may really be able to talk big and pretend to be a "riding power".

The cyclist is really afraid of the little donkey.

I hope everyone can start with me, obey the traffic rules, do their best to promote cycling, let more people participate in, experience the benefits of cycling.

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广东省 深圳市 龙岗区 平湖街道