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S19 Luo Luo Ge Qi conquers the "death cycle", Thomas protects the Yellow riding shirt.
添加时间:2018-08-16 17:04:50

The 2018 Tour de France entered the final battle in the Pyrenees Mountains, from Lourdes to Laruns. Known as the "death cycle," the 200.5-kilometre track is awaited by the Aspin Mountains (Col d'Aspin, 12 kilometres, with an average slope of 6.5%), the Tourmalet (17.1 kilometres, with an average slope of 7.3%) and the Orbisque (Col d'Aubisque, 16.6 kilometres, with an average slope of 4.9 kilometres). The severe challenge.

After fierce competition, Dutch lottery team Primoz Roglic won the second Tour de France championship in his career with his skillful downhill technique, with yellow shirt owner Thomas and AG2R team's Roman Bader in second and third stages.

"This is crazy." "No doubt I was in great shape," Rogge said excitedly. "At the end of the game, I tried a lot of attacking and finally dumped my opponent on the downhill.

S19 Luo Luo Ge Qi conquers the "death cycle", Thomas protects the Yellow riding shirt.

The term "death cycle" dates back more than 100 years, largely to Adolphe Steins, the then circuit designer. Since the three consecutive years of 1907-1909 were almost identical, Stein suggested to Henri Desgrange, the organizer of the Tour, that part of the 1910 Tour de France be arranged in the Pyrenees Mountains. At first, De Grange rejected Stein's idea, but shortly afterwards, he changed his mind and sent Stein to the Pyrenees Mountains for an expedition.

Stein arrived in the Pyrenees Mountains on January 27, 1910. Despite the persuasion of the local innkeeper, he hired a car to drive to the top of Tulmale. As snow blocked the way forward, Stein had to stop near the top of the mountain and climb on foot instead. However, soon afterwards, he fell carelessly into a valley in the dark. When Stein was rescued at 3 a.m., he ate quickly and took a hot bath, and the next morning he sent an inspiring telegram to De Grange: "It's over Tourmaline, the road's fine, it's all right."

S19 Luo Luo Ge Qi conquers the "death cycle", Thomas protects the Yellow riding shirt.

As the organizers officially announced that the 1910 Tour de France would pass through the Pyrenees Mountains, a total of 26 planned riders decided not to go to Paris, the starting point of the race, and most newspapers used "dangerous and strange" to describe the Tour de France route. At that time, the 10th stage from Luchon, the terminal is located in Bayonne, 326 kilometers, along the way to cross the Col de Peyresourde, Aspin, Tulmale and Obispisk.

As Octave Lapize struggled to get through the top of the Obispsk Mountains, the famous motorist shouted angrily at the organizer waiting there: "You are all murderers!" However, in the subsequent downhill section, Lapiz gradually regained strength, and eventually won the extraordinarily difficult section of the championship. After the match, the phrase "death cycle" also appeared in the media competition. Nowadays, people usually use the term "death cycle" to describe the most difficult section of the Ring Method in the Pyrenees Mountains.

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