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DeMar won the sprint in the ring S18|, Thomas kept the yellow shirt firmly.
添加时间:2018-08-16 17:05:18

After two consecutive high-mountain competitions in Pyrenees, the French Tour Army in 2018 ushered in a transitional phase, from Trie-sur-Base to the historic city of Pau, located on the French-Western border, 171 kilometers long, mainly along the level road. Eventually, Arnaud Demare of the FDJ team beat Christophe Laporte of the Kofidis team and Alexander Kristoff of the UAE team in a massive sprint to win the segment.

After struggling and arguing in the alpine race, Demar was thrilled to finally win in his field of expertise. "That's why I didn't choose to give up in difficult climbing. The FDJ team is very perfect, and this victory is undoubtedly a wonderful reward for us. "

DeMar won the sprint in the ring S18|, Thomas kept the yellow shirt firmly.

At the beginning of the season, teams from Niki Terpstra, Luke Durbridge and Mathew Hayman of Michiton Scott, Guillaume Van Keirsbulck of Vanti and Thomas Boudat of the Direct Energy Team were linked up. The five drivers in the front were able to build up a minute-long lead on the track.

FDJ and UAE control the pace of the main car fleet. For sprinters like De Mar and Christopher, who are still able to stay in the Tour de France this year, this is a great opportunity for them to never miss.

As a matter of fact, today's game has been very uneventful in most of the time. As the main cars swallowed up the breakout group, the riders'rhythm suddenly accelerated 18 kilometers before the finish line.

DeMar won the sprint in the ring S18|, Thomas kept the yellow shirt firmly.

In the last few kilometers, the Bola team tried to control the field to create opportunities for Peter Sagan, the owner of the green shirt. However, one kilometer before the finish line, the FDJ team took the initiative, and eventually Demar took the lead in hitting the line to win his first victory in the Tour de France.

Sky's Thomas still holds the Yellow shirt, ahead of second-place Tom Dimulan by 1:59, third-place Fromm by 2:31, and fourth-place Roglidge by 2:47. Tomorrow, the riders will face one of the toughest mountain races in the Pyrenees, crossing the Aspines (Col d'Aspin, Level 1), the Tourmalets (HC) and the Obispis (Col d'Aubisque, HC). There is no doubt that with the advent of the "death cycle", the championship debate is still full of suspense.

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